Aether Financial Services back to school seminar

Date de l'event : September 6, 2024

Our back-to-school seminar took place on Friday September 6 at the very welcoming Chateauform Monceau Velasquez. On the program for this morning: the latest news, a few words on the company’s strategy and an external intervention noted and much appreciated by the AFS teams.

Indeed, in the context of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we could not do anything other than ask an athlete to come and motivate the troops!

We had the pleasure of welcoming Mamoutou Diarra, former professional basketball player, now converted into a basketball coach and entrepreneur.

Throughout his speech he was able to capture the attention of the AFS teams and make them want to surpass themselves.

His intervention and availability were greatly appreciated. And to top it off, we had planned a basketball for everyone as goodies. So the morning ended with a signing session!

Today Mamoutou runs the Diarra Academy, allowing a team of professionals to provide progression courses and basketball lessons for all ages, and a coaching or support service for professional players and young people in sports studies.

« My objective was to give some keys to employees so that they can manage certain situations… I tried to do this by sharing my experience during my sporting and professional career with the efforts, choices and concessions that result from it.

Indeed, there is a parallel between high-level athletes and company employees and we have noticed many similarities in our respective paths but also that the difficulties encountered are often manageable in the same way.

The interventions may be similar despite the different audiences but their experiences remain UNIQUE.

One more which reassures me in the idea that transmission is something that fascinates me and what’s more, in no way takes away from our « wealth »!

Looking forward… and don’t forget to dare! »

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