When attention to Collateral is paramount

Prepare and handle the unexpected

When a new financing is implemented, all parties endeavour to put an agreement in place that will best serve the project

Things don’t always unfold as planned and all stakeholders have to be ready to face the unexpected

Whether a situation is entering a potential “stressed” status or is well into the “distressed” mode, keeping a cool head while tackling all the issues at stake requires a specific set of skills and mindset.

Facing the numerous challenges pre- or during a restructuring process requires experience and expertise.

Improvisation is definitely OFF the table.

Being in control of the situation by staying on top of the game enables to propose achievable and realistic options, while keeping cost at bay.

Time is of the essence in restructuring context, therefore being hands-on allows swift and agile decision at the different stages of the process.

Indice Aether FS au T2 2024


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Qui sommes-nous

Leader français indépendant dans les services d’exécution des transactions financières

Aether Financial Services a été fondée en 2015 par Edouard Narboux et Henri-Pierre Jeancard. L’objectif était de répondre aux besoins croissants en agents financiers spécialisés sur les marchés de capitaux et les financements tout en étant capable de proposer un large spectre de solutions à valeur ajoutée. Basée à Paris et Londres, Aether Financial Services est composée d’une équipe pluriculturelle. Aujourd’hui, Aether Financial Services est leader de l’Agency sur le marché de la dette privée en France.